Unique and healthy drinks from Wösel
Healthy drink mix production and tours.
Tastings and on-site sales
Factory shop: Mon-Fri at 9.00-17.00
Groups are welcome from January to end of September
Address: Põlluvälja tee 11, Sikassaare, 93876 Saare maakond
Factory tour and degustation (1,5 -2 h):
Groups 10-20 people 15 EUR + VAT/per person
Groups 20-50 people 12 EUR + VAT/per person
Degustation and story of Wösel (1-1,5 h):
Groups 10-20 people 12 EUR + VAT/per person
Groups 20-50 people 12 EUR + VAT/per person
Languages: EST, ENG
Group bookings and program arrangements coordinated by:
Silbernagel Grupp – Terje Aus, info@silbernagel.ee , +372 5138767
+372 510 5393 / info@wosel.ee / https://wosel.ee/
Factory shop & Tour
Wösel has a brand new factory with its own shop. Full selection of their healthy drink mixes made from cold-pressed fruits.
Factory tour will be guided by the owning family themselves – Katrin or Taavi will show you how it’s all done, guide you through the unique flavors.
Story of Wösel is a shorter introduction about how it all started, what have been the challenges and victories and what is unique about their products and brand.
Factory tour with degustation
It all started with an apple cider vinegar made from home grown apples. With an clear goal towards a healthier menu and lifestyle in general. All products developed since share Katrin and Taavi’s mentality that there’s no room for chance. High quality ingredients, excellent flavors and eye-catching design are a must.
Healthy cold-pressed fruits shots for example are development in cooperation with scientists from TalTech University.
The new factory, designed especially for Wösel, meets the rising demand through automated production processes. Before that, nearly all products were hand-made in a restaurant kitchen. The factory tour follows a degustation. Be prepared for an experience full of rich flavors, refreshing both mind and body. Ginger-honey-lemon, passionfruit-cloudberry, buckthorn-raspberry, blackcurrant-mint – just a first few glimpses guiding you to the colorful world of shrubs, switchels and fruit shots.

Katrin ja Taavi – founders of Wösel

Heart of Wösel is the mentality – every new product has to be something that they themselves would make a daily habit of consuming and what they actually believe in.
“It’s especially important to meet the people who appreciate our products and ask for their first-hand feedback. This is why we’re often represented in market days in different parts of Estonia. We truly value healthy lifestyle, local producers, sustainability and keeping in touch with our customers.