Gelato tasting and ice cream workshops

In Kiratsi village near Kuressaare, you’ll have a taste of authentic italian gelato and crispy handmade waffles.


Open: 15.06-31.08 K-P 10-18
Address: Saksa talu, Kiratsi küla, 93741 Saaremaa
Ice cream workshops (up to 1,5 h):
6-30 people, suitable for children from 5 y. old
– up to 15 people 15 EUR/pp
– 15-30 people 12 EUR/pp
Ice cream tasting with coffee (40 min): 6-40 people, 12 EUR/pp

Languages: EST, ENG
Contact: +372 5621 0102 / /
Group bookings and program arrangements coordinated by:
Silbernagel Grupp – Terje Aus, , +372 5138767

Cafe and ice cream workshops

Saksa farmshop ice cream and waffles are made of the highest quality local ingredients – fresh milk from Uustla farm, seasonal fruits and berries, eggs from happy hens and stone-ground flour.

Making your own fresh gelato with crispy homemade waffles is a really fun and tasty experience for both big and small ice cream lovers.

If you’d rather focus on the tasting part, that’s possible too. In addition, you can enjoy fresh pastries, hot soup, fresh coffee and cold drinks. Farmshop offers a wide range of local products and souvenirsmade in Saaremaa.

Artisanal gelato workshop

A fun and educational workshop is to make your own gelato and bake your own crispy waffles. You’ll be guided by an experienced ice cream maker, who learned the art of gelatos in Italy. She’ll tell you about the ice cream, its history, about the milk of Estonian Native Cattle and how the Italian gelato is different from industrial ice cream.

Waffles are made from scratch by using only local ingredients from Saaremaa. If you’d like to meet the cows who gave you the milk, you can visit Uustla farm just a few minutes drive from the cafe.

If you’re more in a hurry, the gelato master Sulvi will tell you the key principles of making the gelato and then you’ll get to taste a variety of them.

Saksa farmshop gelato master Sulvi

Sulvi was just a small girl when she already dreamed of having her own ice cream cafe. As dreams are to be pursued, Sulvi decided to go to Italy to Bologna and learn the art of making a proper gelato. She now shares her knowledge and experience with all islanders and visitors throughout the summer.